by GEORGE LARISSA » Fri Jan 17, 2025 8:08 pm
Good evening!
I would like to present to you my idea for an extension of my under-construction model.
Last year, around this time, I had laid the first circle of the outer line and after a few train crossings, I wondered if with two lines as in the original design, the whole project would cover me in terms of crossings because only two trains could run and at most one more that would be in the station's sidings.
Also, after much thought and various plans, Yiannis Hazapis helped me a lot with advice and an article in his online magazine eRail Times about a multi-level model with a hidden yard, as well as some photos of his spiral works by Katsikas Dimitris.
As you can see in the photo of the main model, an extension of the space to the right will be made and there a hidden double-line spiral with curves R4 and R5 will be constructed where the outer line of the model will be led with an entrance to the outer line of the spiral and an exit from the inner line of the spiral to the outer line of the model. Also, the corner module will be removed at the top left and a hidden double-line spiral with curves R3 and R4 will be constructed there as well, where the inner line of the model will be led with an entrance to the inner line of the spiral and an exit from the outer line of the spiral to the inner line of the model.
Both spirals descend downwards counterclockwise, that is, counterclockwise, and the distance from spiral to spiral in height is 9cm.
The two spirals will lower the trains below the model in the photo of the hidden yard plan that you see and will consist of twelve lines.
In the side view photo of the hidden yard that you see, it will consist of three levels (amphitheater) and each level will have four lines, three for depositing trains and one for passage. The outer line of both spirals will end at the rear and upper level, which will be at -43.5cm. One level below, that is, at the middle level, the inner line of both spirals will end after descending another 9cm, that is, at -52.5cm with two keys on a curve in the spirals on either side so that there is continuity of the descent of the inner line of the spirals another 9cm, that is, at -61.5cm on the third and last level.
To be continued....
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Last edited by
GEORGE LARISSA on Fri Jan 17, 2025 8:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.