by TEE1055 » Sun Mar 31, 2019 9:35 am
You rˋe right, Barbas!
I have seek in Swiss archives to Model the pa-History by SEK/OSE and SBB. That System was Invented by the Netherlands after the WWII. It was the first european—wide standardized intermodal transport system!
Exactly the same Container was tested and lather bought in 1948 by SBB. The Holland-type contaniers are disappeared very early because of unknown problems and replaced by a wooden (!) design. I think in Greece was that similar, but SEK has choosen a modified steel design, the until today wellknown tobacco container.
Note the simple road carrier on the picture above. The original DAF road trucks, equipped with hydraulics, are extreme expensive. They are only ecnomical with a high traffic density. For smaller stations, SBB has also coosed the same way and has used self-built simple equipment.
Further, the publications of the „Studiengesellschaft für Behälterverkehr“ conatins no pictures or detailed informations about the pa-Traffic in Greece.
Barba, at Rentis near the two Yugoslavians is a older porter car with 3 places for container, simple designed on a old german underframe.